Translation of the song Dobro veče tugo artist Dino Merlin


Dobro veče tugo

English translation

Good evening, sorrow

Dobro vece tugo sudjena

Good evening, sorrow, my fate

takva jos nije rodjena

A sorrow like you is yet not born

pod ovom kapom nebeskom

Under this heavenly hat

pod ovom satrom cirkuskom

Under this circus tent

i mojom dusom bosanskom

and my bosnian soul

dobro vece dragi drugovi

Good evening dear friends

vama cu dusu da otvorim

your souls I will open

prodje i ovaj dan bez nje

This day passed without her too

i godine proci ce

and years wil pass

bog mi ne da drukcije

God won't have it any other way

ako su krive kise sto te nema vise

If guilty are the the rain, that you aren't here anymore

dabogda nikad ne prestale

then let God make sure they never stop

ako su hladne zore sto lome prozore

If guilty are the cold mornings that breaks windows

dabogda nikad ne svanule

then let God make sure the sun never rises

kad me i ti ostavi

When even you could leave me

kad me i ti izdade

when even you could cause me pain

kad me i ti prevari

when even you could fool me

neka me ne bude

Let me not exist

ti ne znas pile moje, nase duse stoje

You don't know, my little chicken, our souls are standing

i stajace jedna kraj druge

and will always stay side by side

a ovo sto boli nikad proci nece

But that what hurts will never stop

noci su ovdje duge, preduge

nights here are long, too long

kad me i ti ostavi

When even you could leave me

kad me i ti izdade

when even you could cause me pain

kad me i ti prevari

when even you could fool me

neka me ne bude

Let me not exist

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