Translation of the song Duhovi konjaka artist Dino Merlin
Duhovi konjaka
Cognac Ghosts
Duhovi konjaka
Cognac ghosts
bude me sirene sa ulica
street sirens wake me up
svanulo je, davno je vec zvonio sat
the morning broke, the clock went off a while ago
mirisi jutra, rumenilo sa istoka
smells of the morning, afterglow from the east
ustajem, lijeno se protezem
I get up, stretching lazy
prvu jutarnju cigaru pripaljujem
smoke the first morning cigarette
pomalo zbunjena tvoja faca sa jastuka
a bit confused your face on the pillow
dobro jutro cujem iz stomaka
I hear my stomach saying good morning
progone me duhovi konjaka
cognac ghosts are haunting me
bila je luda noc, besana
it was a crazy night, sleepless
topi me dah sa tvojih usana
the breath from your lips is melting me
ustajem, lijeno se protezem
I get up, stretching lazy
prvu jutarnju cigaru pripaljujem
smoke the first morning cigarette
pomalo zbunjena tvoja faca sa jastuka
a bit confused your face on the pillow
dobro jutro cujem iz stomaka
I hear my stomach saying good morning
progone me duhovi konjaka
cognac ghosts are haunting me
bila je luda noc, besana
it was a crazy night, sleepless
topi me dah sa tvojih usana
the breath from your lips is melting me