Translation of the song Fotografija artist Dino Merlin



English translation


Lutao sam svijetom ja

I've roamed the world

od juga prema sjeveru

from south to north.

nosio i nadu i strah

I've worn both hope and fear

u starom koferu

in my old suitcase.

Imao sam planove

I've had plans,

i slike i ramove

and pictures in frames,

al' je sve pokvarila

but everything was ruined by

stara fotografija

the old photo.

Foto akšamija

Photo aksamija*

Begova džamija

The beg's mosque**

bistrička jalija

The gang of Bistrik***

s njima ja Sarajlija

With them I'm a Sarajlija****

Nudili mi sve papire

They offered me all the papers,

psihijatre da me smire

psychiatrists to calm me down.

znali su da svake noći

They knew that every night

jedan dio mene umire

a part of me dies.

Sve je ovo prokleto

All this is condemned,

kao da je oteto

as if it is taken by force(from someone).

i ništa nema takav sjaj

And nothing has such a shine

kao moja fotografija

like my photo.

Foto akšamija

Photo aksamija*

Begova džamija

The Begova Dzamija**

bistrička jalija

The jalija of Bistrik***

s njima ja Sarajlija

With them I'm a Sarajlija****

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