Translation of the song I ovo prođe artist Dino Merlin
I ovo prođe
And This Passed By
Evo, i ovo prođe
Here, and this passed by
A mislio sam nikad neće proći
And I thought it won't ever pass
Đavo po svoje dođe
The Devil came to take his things
A kladio bih se da neće doći
And I'd bet that he wouldn't come
Neko ove noći u te bistre oči
Someone this night in those clear eyes
Mutno vino toči, ko li je da znam
Pours blurry wine, if I only knew who is it
Neko ove noći u te bistre oči mutno vino toči
Someone this night in those clear eyes pours blurry wine
Dok ja lutam, dok ja lutam
While I wander, while I wander
Nema na tvome prozoru
On your widnows,
Cvijeća ni proljeća
There are no flowers nor spring
Nema u tvome srcu nišeg
There is nothing in your heart
Što na mene potsjeća
That reminds of me
Neko ove noći te bistre oči
Someone this night those clear eyes
Crnom bojom boji, Bog mu platio
Paints with black colour, God punish him
Neko ove noći te bistre oči
Someone this night those clear eyes
Crnom bojom boji, a ja ih zlatio, a ja ih zlatio
Paints with black colour, and I painted them in golden, and I painted them in golden
Noćas kad vojska pahulja
Tonight like an army of snowflakes
Bez najave uđe u grad
Without an announcement, entered the town
Nemoj da budeš lijepa
Don't be pretty
Jer ni ja više nisam mlad
Because I am not young anymore too
I nedaj ove noći u te bistre oči
And don't let this night in those clear eyes
Nedaj kad te molim, il' nemoj da znam
Don't let them when I beg you please, or don't let me know
Nedaj ove noći te bistre oči
Don't let this night those clear eyes
Nocas ih oroči, da miran lutam, da miran lutam
Tonight desposit them, so I can calmly wander, so I can calmly wander