Translation of the song Jedan dan, jednu noć artist Dino Merlin


Jedan dan, jednu noć

English translation

One more day, one more night



Nase se prica sastoji

Our story consists

Od svih tih neizgovorenih rjeci

Of all those unspoken words

Ljepo mi stoi, tvoja boll

The pain you caused, it looks good on me

Sto tako boli , a tako ljeci

Which hurts so much, meanwhile heals so

Pruzi mi ruku i ja cu nac

Give me your hand and I'll find it

Ugao pod kojim cu te vidjeti

The angle at which I will see you



Nisu ljudi kornjace, da mogu vjekovima zhivjeti

They are not turtles, that they can live for centuries


Ref .:

Al jedan dan , jedan dan, samo jedan dan

But one day, one day, just one day

Boze, daj nam jos, jedan dan

God, give us only a day

Jednu noc, jednu noc, samo jednu noc

One night, one night, just one night

Boze, daj nam jos, tu jednu noc

God, give us just that one night



Uvjek si bila posebna

You were always special

Odsjaj u beskraju od staklla

An endless reflection of glass

Na isti te nacin osjecam

I feel the same way

Kao prvi put kad si me dotakla

Like the first time you touched me

Kazu da vrjeme mjenja sve

They say time changes everything

Al mi to ne mozemo vidjeti

But we can't see that

Jer nisu ljudi zvjezde

Because people are not stars

Da mogu vjekovima zivjeti

That they can live for centuries



Al jedan dan , jedan dan, samo jedan dan

Ref .:

Boze, daj nam jos, jedan dan

But one day, one day, just one day

Jednu noc, jednu noc, samo jednu noc

God, give us only a day

Boze, daj nam jos, tu jednu noc

One night, one night, just one night

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