Translation of the song Jutro u Splitu artist Dino Merlin
Jutro u Splitu
Morning in Split
Jutro u Splitu
Morning in Split
jutro u Splitu, mirišu palme na tvoju kosu
Morning in Split, palm-trees smell on your hair
snenim pogledom milujem praznu hotelsku sobu
I caress the room of the hotel that is empty with a dreamy view
Ivana, čujem glas iz dubina
Ivana, I hear your voice from depth
Ivana, ti si moja zla sudbina
Ivana, you are my bad destiny
ustajem iz kreveta, zvuci kao opasna kleveta
I get out of bed, sounds like a dangerous calumny
prilazim prozoru i grlim kurvu zoru
I approach the window and hug the fucking dawn
Ivana, ti si bila moja zmija
Ivana, you were my snake
Ivana, najotrovnija
Ivana, the most poisonous
Ivana, čujem glas iz dubina
Ivana, I hear your voice from depth
Ivana, ti si moja zla sudbina
Ivana, you are my bad destiny
vozovi puni, miriše juni
Full trains, June smells
more, pejsaži, za mene to ne važi
Sea, landscapes, for me it's not true
vraćam se kući, srce će mi pući
I'm coming back home, my heart will break
da l' da te ljubim ili da ti sudim
Either if I have to love you or I have to judge you
vozovi puni...
Full trains...