Translation of the song Kad čovjek voli ženu artist Dino Merlin


Kad čovjek voli ženu

English translation

Kad Covjek Voli Zenu

Sreca pa si presla na drugu

It's a luck that u've crossed

Stranu moga sokaka

to the other side of my street

Tih je par mi koraka

those couple of steps

Na tren produzilo zivot

prolonged my life for a second

Sreca pa se spustila tama

It's a luck that the darkness has fallen down

Zrela kao aslama

mellow like aslama (I can't help u with this word)

Nisi mogla da vidis

u couldn't see

Kakav sam idiot

what kind of idiot am I

Kad covjek voli zenu

when a man loves a woman

Salje vojske da je traze

he sends millitary to seek her

Kad covjek voli zenu

when a man loves a woman

Sam sebe vara

he's tricking himself

Sam sebe laze

he's lieing himself

Kad covjek voli zenu

when a man loves a woman

Pise joj pjesme i cuva straze

he writes songs for her and he guards her

Kad covjek voli zenu

Kad covjek voli zenuwhen a man loves a woman

Na sve je spreman

he's ready for everything

Osim da joj kaze

accept to tell her

Sreca pa je bilo crveno

It's a luck it was red (trafic light)

A ja s pameti skren'o

and I've gone out of my mind (thaughts)

Pa sam upravo kren'o

and I've just started going

Na sasvim drugu stranu

in a totally other direction

Sreca pa sam bio karakter

It's a luck that I had a character

Pa sam poveo mater

and I brought my mother

Da jos jednom pogleda Walter

to see again The Walter

U kino Partizanu

in the partizan cinema

Kad covjek voli zenu

when a man loves a woman

Pise joj pjesme i cuva straze

he writes songs for her and he guards her

Kad covjek voli zenu

when a man loves a woman

Na sve je spreman

he's ready for everything

To se samo cini

it just appears

Po mjesecini

under the moonlight

Kad covjek voli zenu

when a man loves a woman...

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