kad ti dođem nesrećo
When I come to you,unhappiness
po oluji najvećoj
During the biggest storm
sam pod bijelom zastavom
Alone under a white flag
od kaputa postavom, garavom
From a sooty setup of a coat.
kao lugar jelama
Like the woodsman to the fir
kao stidna nevjesta
Like a shy bride
kao soldat ljubavi
Like a soldier of love
sto sve bitke izgubi, o pusti me
Who lost every battle,oh,leave me be...
nemoj plakat', nemoj klet'
Don't cry,don't swear
nemoj slutit' na gore
Don't bode for the worse
oca nisam birao
I didn't choose (who to have as)my father
prosjak sam se rodio
I was born a beggar
otvori prozore, pa da vidim stare drugove
Open the windows,so I can see my old friends
da l' o tebi govore
Whether they speak of you
noćas mi srce pati
Tonight my heart suffers
noćas me duša boli
Tonight my soul aches
teško je kad se voli
It is difficult when you love
kad ostaneš sam
When you are left alone...
nemoj plakat', memoj klet'
Don't cry,don't swear
nemoj slutit' na gore
Don't bode for the worse
oca nisam birao
I didn't choose (who to have as)my father
prosjak sam se rodio
I was born a beggar
otvori prozore, pa da vidim stare drugove
Open the windows,so I can see my old friends
da l' o nama govore
Whether they speak of us
noćas mi srce pati
Tonight my heart suffers
noćas me duša boli
Tonight my soul aches
teško je kad se voli
It is difficult when you love
kad ostaneš sam
When you are left alone...