Translation of the song Kremen artist Dino Merlin
Ti, prosto zadrhtim kad te ugledam
You, I simply shiver when I set my eyes on you
u dah mi se pretvori glas
My voice turns into breath
ti, sve ti oprostim, što i ne trebam
You, I forgive you everything, and what I shouldn't too
jer čuvam još nešto za nas
Because I still cherish something for us
Mjesec je mlad, zvijezde su previsoko
The moon is young, the stars are too high
miriše grad na dugo, na široko
The city smells long and wide
Ostalo je još malo kremena
There is still a bit of flint left
u ovom mom starom upaljaču,
In this old lighter of mine
nedostaješ mi još više medena
I miss you even more, honey (sweetheart)
nego go vatrenom bordo navijaču
Than a goal for a passionate Bordo supporter (Bosnian team)
Ti, sve se pokrene kad te ugledam
You, everything moves when I set my eyes on you
u dan mi se pretvori mrak
The darkness turns into day for me
i srce te spomene mada ne treba
And my heart mentions you, eventhough it shouldn't
jer ja imam savršen brak
Because I have a perfect marriage
Al' uvijek ima nešto što se šuti
But there is always something to keep silent
a to su ovi sati i minuti, kad nisi tu
And that's these hours and minutes, when you're not here
Ostalo je još malo kremena
There is still a bit of flint left
u ovom mom starom upaljaču
In this old lighter of mine
nedostaješ mi još više medena
I miss you even more, honey (sweetheart)
nego go vatrenom bordo navijaču
Than a goal for a passionate Bordo supporter (Bosnian team)