Translation of the song Ljubav je artist Dino Merlin


Ljubav je

English translation

Love Is

Pogledaj sa ljepše strane svoga prozora

Look from the brighter side of your window

Kiša pada da bi novu tugu rodila

Rain is falling so that it would breed a new sorrow

Kad ti se čini prekasno je, prekasno za nas

When it seems it's too late, too late for us

Još ima nade

There is still hope

u ljubavi je spas

Love is salvation

Niko ne zna dal se rađa il sa neba pada

Nobody knows if it gets born or falls from the sky

Pojavi se uvijek kad se najmanje nadaš

It always shows up when you least expect it

Ona nema boje, ona nema nacije

It has no colour, it has no nation

Ne traži ni od kog da za nju pogine

It doesn't ask anyone to die for it

Ljubav je nebo, ljubav je more

Love is the sky, love is the sea

ljubav si ti kad budiš se

love is you when you're waking up

i kad je teško ljudi se bore

and when it's difficult, people fight

samu u ljubav vjerujem

I only believe in love

Ponekad se pitam otkud ljubavi za sve

I sometimes wonder where all the love for everyone comes from

Nas je tako mnogo, ona jedna je

It's so many of us and it is one

Iako oluja ide, ljubi me

And even if the storm is coming, kiss me

ipak na svakog od nas nešto ostaje

there's still a bit (something) for each of us

Ljubav je nebo, ljubav je more

Love is the sky, love is the sea

ljubav si ti kad budiš se

love is you when you're waking up

i kad je teško ljudi se bore

and when it's difficult, people fight

samu u ljubav vjerujem

I only believe in love

A kad se oluja stiša

And when the storm dies down

ja ti ostajem

I will be what you have left

živjet ćemo zajedno ko prije

we will live together like before

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