Translation of the song Mjesecina artist Dino Merlin



English translation


Bilo je ljeto, vrela noć

It was a hot sommer night

svirao stari, dobri rock 'n' roll

the good old rock'n'roll was playing

ti i ja, dva mjesečara

you and me,two sleepwalker

dva bagrema bijela tek procvala

two white acacia just flourished



Mjesečina k'o dukat žut

moonlight,yellow like an Ducat (gold coin)

ti dovoljno mlada, ja dovoljno lud

you are young eneugh,I'm crazy eneugh

mjesečina k'o dukat žut

moonlight,yellow like an Ducat

ti dovoljno žena, prvi je put

you are a woman eneugh,it is the first time

Srce u srcu, ruka u ruci

heart in heart,hand in hand

kao mornari u mirnoj luci

like sailor in calm harbor

crna oka dva, dva lopova

two black eyes,two thiefs

sve su sa sobom mi odnijela

have carried away everything

Noć je plesala u ritmu tijela

the night danced in rhythm of our bodys

tvoje nemirne ruke i postelja bijela

your calm hands and white bedsheet

lete godine, sretan im put

the years are flying away,i wish them good journey

al' zauvijek ostaje naš prvi put

but our first time stays forever

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