Translation of the song Na vi artist Dino Merlin
Na vi
Ti bar znaš da najjači sam kada
At least you know I’m the strongest when
krenu da me lome
they go to break me
Dušmani i prijatelji kad se cefne
villains and friends whenever
bilo kome
anyone pleases
Zbog tebe, bez potrebe
Because of you, with no need
Ti i ja smo već odavno prešli na Vi
You and me have long ago switched to a last name basis
Zbog tebe, bez potrebe
Because of you, with no need
Ti i ja smo jedno drugom vukovi
you and me are wolves to each other
Zbog tebe, bez potrebe
Because of you, with no need
Ti i ja smo već odavno prešli na Vi
You and me have long ago switched to a last name basis
Zbog tebe, bez potrebe
Because of you, with no need
Ti i ja smo jedno drugom dušmani
you and me are villains to each other
Bar ti znaš da najjači sam kad
At least you know I’m the strongest when
pomisle da sam jadan
they think I’m weak
Jer slava je kao riba, za po’ sata
Because glory is like a fish, half an hour later
već si gladan
you’re already hungry
Zbog tebe, bez potrebe
Because of you, with no need
Ti i ja smo već odavno prešli na Vi
You and me have long ago switched to a last name basis
Zbog tebe, bez potrebe
Because of you, with no need
Ti i ja smo jedno drugom vukovi
you and me are wolves to each other
Zbog tebe, bez potrebe
Because of you, with no need
Ti i ja smo već odavno prešli na Vi
You and me have long ago switched to a last name basis
Zbog tebe, bez potrebe
Because of you, with no need
Ti i ja smo jedno drugom dušmani
you and me are villains to each other
Aman, nikad mi kao noćas nisi
Enough! Never have you been such a villain to me
bila takav dušman
like tonight
Aman, nikad ti oči nisu bile tako
Enough! Never have your eyes been
so bloody before
Zeman, kakav je Boze ovo doš’o
Time, God, what kind of hour and time
vakat i zeman
has come
Ljudi zlo ni ne zapamte a već zaborave
People don’t even remember the evil and they already forget
Ti bar znaš da najjači sam kad
At least you know I’m the strongest when
zatraže da se predam
they ask me to surrender
Ovo malo ponosa još čuvam za
This bit of pride I’m still saving for
te, nikom ne dam
you, I’m not letting anyone to take you
Zbog tebe, bez potrebe
Because of you, with no need
Ti i ja smo već odavno prešli na Vi
You and me have long ago switched to a last name basis
Zbog tebe, bez potrebe
Because of you, with no need
Ti i ja smo jedno drugom vukovi
you and me are wolves to each other
Zbog tebe, bez potrebe
Because of you, with no need
Ti i ja smo već odavno prešli na Vi
You and me have long ago switched to a last name basis
Zbog tebe, bez potrebe
Because of you, with no need
Ti i ja smo jedno drugom dušmani
you and me are villains to each other