Translation of the song Palidrvce artist Dino Merlin



English translation


Dobro veče mjeseče,

Good evening moon,

budni smo samo ti i ja

only you and I are awake

kako mi je ispod ovog

only you know how I feel under

olovnog jorgana to znaš

this leaded quilt

Zrele trešnje u krošnjama,

full grown cherries in the trees

ja ih nemam kome brati

but I don't have anyone to collect them to

kad nije na mom jastuku

when she isn't on my pillow

sad je važno s kim će zaspati

what matters is whom she'll fall asleep with



Slomila mi srce kao palidrvce,

She broke my heart like a matchstick

slomila i otišla

broke it and left

slomila mi srce kao palidrvce

She broke my heart like a matchstick

slomila i nestala

broke it and left

Zora sviće mjeseče,

Dawn arises moon,

s kim li je ona spavala

whom did she sleep with

ja oka nisam sklopio,

I didn't close a single eye

al' mi je duša sanjala

but my soul dreamt

Zrele trešnje u krošnjama,

full grown cherries in the trees

ja ih nemam kome brati

but I don't have anyone to collect them to

kad nije na mom jastuku

when she isn't on my pillow

baš me briga s kim će zaspati

I don't care whom she'll fall asleep with



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