Translation of the song Pogledaj sa prozora artist Dino Merlin


Pogledaj sa prozora

English translation

Look out of the Window

Pogledaj sa prozora,

Look out of the window -

možda ćeš prepoznati,

Maybe, you’ll recognize

korak moj od olova -

My leaden steps,

još ti ne da zaspati...

Which keep you awake.

Duga zima, najduža...

It’s a long, long winter

u kosti studen uvlači,

I am frozen to the bones;

za koga bona ne bila,

Who is this pretty coat

taj lijepi kaput oblačiš...

Meant for, ma belle?

Mnogo je vremena prošlo...

So much time has passed -

skoro života pola...

Almost half of my life is gone:

bilo je žena i vina,

I’ve known women and wines

al' ničeg' kao bola.

But it has never hurt so badly.

Kad bih te ponovo sreo,

If I could meet you again,

šta bih ti mogao reći,

What could I say to you?

riječ bi u grlu stala,

The words would get stuck in the throat

a ti ne bi vjerovala...

And you would not believe me.

Ostala si sunčana,

You are still

strana moje ulice,

The sunny side of my street

ostala si velika,

You are still grand,

sve su drugo mrvice...

While others are just dust.

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