Translation of the song Putnici artist Dino Merlin
The travelers
Ja vjerujem u Boga i Božje određenje
I believe in God and in God's determination
i vjerujem da ništa nije priviđenje
and I believe that nothing is a mirage
sve je tako stvarno, sve tako realno
everything is so real, everything is so realistic
ja vjerujem u to, ja vjerujem u to
I believe in that, I believe in that
Ne, ništa nije bilo, a da nije moralo
No, nothing happend if it wasn't necessary
nema toga lica što se nije boralo
there is no face which didn't wrinkle up
nema kamena što neće jednom postat' prah
there is no stone which won't become the dust once
a ni ramena što neće osjetiti strah
and there is no shoulder which won't feel fear
Qu'est ce que tu veux
What do you want
tu es le voyageur
you are the traveler
Nous sommes, vous etes, ils sont, elles sont
We are, you are, they are
nous sommes, vous etes
we are, you are
les voyageurs
the travelers
Nous avons, vous avez, ils ont, elles ont
We are, you are, they are
nous avons, vous avez
we are, you are
la maison
The home
Dolazak je samo, jedne knjige korica
Arrival is only the cover of a book
a odlazak njena sestra parica
and departure is its sister pair
šta smo ti i ja, k'o putnici bez mjesta
who are you and me, like travelers without a place
nikad saznat' neće kud' nas vodi ova cesta
we won't ever find out where this road lead us
Šta smo ti i ja
Who are you and me
que sommes nous, toi et moi
who are we, you and me
si non des voyageurs sans pas
if we are not travelers without...
Reci da li žališ, reci da l' se kaješ
Tell me do you regret, tell me do you repent
ako kažeš da, ti ustvari sebe daješ.
if you say ''yes'', you actually give yourself.
Reci da li žališ, reci da l' se kaješ
Tell me do you regret, tell me do you repent
ako kažeš da, to je dokaz izbora
if you say ''yes, that's the proof of choice
Qu'est-ce que tu veux
What do you want
Tu es le voyageur
you are the traveler
Nous sommes, vous etes, ils sont, elles sont
We are, you are, they are
nous sommes, vous etes
we are, you are
les voyageurs
the travelers
Nous avons, vous avez, ils ont, elles ont
We are, you are, they are
nous avons, vous avez
we are, you are
la maison
The home