Translation of the song Sa Mojih Usana artist Dino Merlin


Sa Mojih Usana

English translation

Sa Mojih Usana

sa mojih usana ti nikad nisi cula laz

You ´ve never heard a lie from my lips

u mojim ocima nisi vidjela zlo

in my eyes you´ve never seen evil

i kad sam padao, i kad sam letio

and when I was falling, and when I was flying

bio sam sa tobom

I´ve been with you

kud plove uspomene nikad necu saznati

Where the memories are sailing , I will never know

gdje god se okrenem svud' se nalazis ti

where ever I turn to, you are everywhere

nekad me bude strah da se probudim

sometimes I fear waking up

a da te ne vidim

and not seeing you

a sta imam ja od tog, kad mi nije dao bog

but what do I have from it, when god didn´t let me

da te sretnem ranije, da ti kazem sta mi je

meet you before, to tell you how I felt (what was wrong)

a sta imam ja od tog, kad mi nije dao bog

but what do I have from it, when god didn´t let me

da te sretnem ranije, da ti kazem sta mi je

meet you before ,to tell you how I felt

sve moje pobjede i zlatne medalje

all my victories and gold medals

nista mi ne znace kad sam bez tebe

they mean nothing to me if I´m without you

sve je drugacije

everything is different

kad si uz mene

when you´re by me

sa mojih usana ti nikad neces cuti laz

you will never hear a lie from my lips

u mojim ocima neces vidjeti zlo

in my eyes you´ll never see evil

i sve sto bude mi

and everything I go through

nek' bude sa tobom

let it be with you

a sta imam ja od tog, kad mi nije dao bog

but what do I have from it, when god didn´t let me

da te sretnem ranije, da ti kazem sta mi je

meet you before , to tell you how I felt

a sta imam ja od tog, kad mi nije dao bog

but what do I have from it, when god didn´t let me

da te sretnem ranije, da ti kazem sta mi je

meet you before, to tell you how I felt

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