Translation of the song Sam artist Dino Merlin



English translation


Vidiš li ta

you see those

crveno bijela svijetla

red and white lights

to je tvoj grad

it is your city

s pijetlom il' bez pijetla

with a rooster or not

Svanuće dan

the day will dawn

sjevnuće k'o munja

it will flash like a bolt


never tired

crni oblak zvani sumnja

black cloud called doubt

Kao kroz san

like in a dream

nadolaze ti slike

you see pictures

kad si za dan

when you in a day

prešao u vojnike

became a soldier

Sebe da daš

you give yourself

sve osim onog svoga

everything except that something in you

i šta je sad

and what is now

ostalo od svega toga

left of all that



na svijetu sam si uglavnom

on the world you are mostly alone



u masi zajedno sa mnom

in the crowd,together with me

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