Translation of the song Samo sam ti ja isti ost'o artist Dino Merlin


Samo sam ti ja isti ost'o

English translation

Only I Remain The Same

idem ja, ide kaldrma

I'm going, the road is moving

s hljebom ispod pazuha

With bread under my arm

a na tvome prozoru

And your window

crno k'o u zatvoru

Black like a prison

a na tvome prozoru

And your window

crno k'o u zatvoru

Black like a prison

i nosim te u srcu

And I carry you in my heart

kao bijelu kosulju

Like a white shirt

nicega se ne sjecam

I don't remember anything

mi ljeta ni proljeca

Summer nor spring

nicega se ne sjecam

I don't remember anything

mi ljeta ni proljeca

Summer nor spring

od lani je sve otislo sto posto

Everything from last year is surely gone

samo sam ti ja, bona, isti ost'o

Only I, girl, remain the same

leno, beno, kuco stara

Leno, idiot, old home

vrag me na te nagovara

Devil is talking me into you

leno, beno, kuco stara

Leno, idiot, old home

vrag me na te nagovara

Devil is talking me into you

ne pusim i ne pijem

I don't smoke and I don't drink

s milicijom se ne bijem

I don't fight with the police

u tebe se zaklinjem

I swear on you

al' te ljubit' ne smijem

But I'm not allowed to kiss you

od lani je sve otislo sto posto

Everything from last year is surely gone

samo sam ti ja, bona, isti ost'o...

Only I, girl, remain the same

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