Translation of the song Smijehom Strah Pokrijem artist Dino Merlin
Smijehom Strah Pokrijem
I Cover Up My fear With A Smile
U vrijeme kada sumnja izlazi iz zbunja
At the time when suspicion comes out of a bush
u vrijeme kada svako u svakoga sumnja
At the time when everyone suspects each other
Gdje smo sada mi
Where are we now
gdje su one rijeci velike
Where are those big words
gdje smo sada mi
Where are we now
od Australije do Amerike
From Australia to Amerika
Gdje je ona ptica sto imala je glas
Where is that bird, that had a voice
sto nosila je uvijek dobru vijest za nas
That always brought us good news
O da l' smo rodjeni zli
Oh, are we born evil
il' smo u putu to postali
Or have we become that along the way
o da l' smo rodjeni zli
Oh, are we born evil
il' smo isti k'o ostali
Or are we the same as others
Smijehom strah pokrijem uvijek
I always cover up my fear with a smile
kad otkrijem da si sretna
When I discover that you're happy
daleko od mene na kraju svijeta
Far away from me, at the end of the world
gdje svako za sebe tugu tka
Where everyone weaves sadness for themselfs
Smijehom strah pokrijem uvijek
I always cover up my fear with a smile
kad otkrijem da si sretna
When I discover that you're happy
daleko od mene ma nek' si dobro
Far away from me, well hope you're all right
nek' ruza ne vene kad venem ja
That the rose doesn't wither when I wither
U vrijeme kada sumnja protice kroz vene
At the time when suspicion elapses through the veins
kome je to stalo do tebe i mene
Who cares about you and me
Mi nismo rodjeni zli
We aren't born evil
mi nikad nismo to ni bili
We've never been that
mi nismo rodjeni zli
We aren't born evil
voljeti nismo ni prestali
We haven't even stopped loving each other