Translation of the song U kandzama jastreba artist Dino Merlin
U kandzama jastreba
In The Claws Of A Hawk
U kandzama jastreba
In the claws of a hawk
postavljen je sto, jelo se ohladilo
the table is set, the food got cold
vjetar ljubi noc i jeca radio
the wind is kissing the night and the radio is making blubbering noises
taze otisci karmina na mome licu
the remains of your lipstick on my face
da znam bar s kim li si ne bi mi pola jada bilo
if I only knew with who you are I would be half so desperate
soba kao nekad mirise na maline
the room smells like it used to of raspberries
ljudi misle da sam sretan a pola mene boluje
people think I'm happy but half of me is in pain
znam da sam kao pile u kandzama jastreba
I know I'm like a chick in the claws of a hawk
ti dolazis samo kad ti nesto zatreba
you come only when you need something
i donosis jutra puna lazi i uvreda
and you bring mornings full of lies and insults
kad sve saberem, podijelim i oduzmem
when I add, divide and detract
volim te, mada ni sam sebe ne razumijem
I love you, although I do not understand myself
plove kroz san dragi gradovi
many cities float through my dreams
o, kako mi trebaju sad tvoji hirovi
o, how much I need all of your quirks
znam da sam kao pile u kandzama jastreba
I know I'm like a chick in claws of a hawk
ti dolazis samo kad ti nesto zatreba
you come only when you need something
i donosis jutra puna lazi i uvreda
and you bring mornings full of lies and insults