Translation of the song Ucini mi pravu stvar artist Dino Merlin


Ucini mi pravu stvar

English translation

Do me a right thing

nocas brzo lete sati na krilima sna

tonight,hours are flying fast on the wings of a dream

ona stidna, neda tijelo mojim vrelim usnama

she,shy,doesn't give her body to my hot lips

njena mala potstanarska u dnu predgradja

her little tenant's in the bottom of suburb

e, kako me ljubi, kao da se poradja

o,how she kisses me,like she's giving a birth

neke drage slike opet zapocinju ples

Some dear pictures are beginning the dance again

na usnama mi pjesma, a u srcu zemljotres

A song is on my lips,an earthquake in my heart

ma hajde zeno ja sam ovdje sasvim slucajno

Oh come on woman,I'm here by coincidence

malo muske sujete, malo sto je dosadno

little because of men's vanity,little because of monotony

ucini mi pravu stvar, pusti neku staru stvar

Do me a right thing,play something old (song)

sto na nju me potsjeca, da se bolje osjecam

that reminds me of her,to feel better

ucini mi pravu stvar, pusti neku staru stvar

do me a right thing,play something old (song)

sto na nju me potsjeca, da se bolje osjecam

that reminds me of her,to fell better

nocas brzo lete sati na krilima sna

tonight,hours are flying fast on the wings of a dream

ona stidna, neda tijelo mojim vrelim usnama

she,shy,doesn't give her body to my hot lips

njena mala potstanarska u dnu predgradja

her little tenant's in the bottom of suburb

e, kako me ljubi, kao da se poradja

o,how she kisses me,like she's giving a birth

ucini mi pravu stvar, pusti neku staru stvar

Do me a right thing,play something old (song)

sto na nju me potsjeca, da se bolje osjecam

that reminds me of her,to feel better

ucini mi pravu stvar, pusti neku staru stvar

Do me a right thing,play something old (song)

sto na nju me potsjeca, da se bolje osjecam

that reminds me of her,to feel better

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