Ne sjećam se imena tvog
I don't remeber your name
ni kad sam zadnji put ti poklonio stih
nor the last time I gave you a verse
al' neću da budem dio tog
But I don't want to be the part of that
ne mogu ja nikad više biti jedan od njih
I can't be one of them ever again
Umri prije smrti govore mi ljudi
Die before death, people tell me
dok još nije prekasno
when is still not too late
kad tijelo zadrhti, zamagle se puti
when body trembles, ways become blury
pa sve postane opasno
so everything becomes dangerous
Ne sjećam se dodira tvog
I don't remember your touch
ni kad sam zadnji put osjetio slast
nor the last time I felt passion
sve mi je to darovao Bog
All that I was given by God
da probam strah i nemir koju nosi strast
To try the fear and distraction that is carried by passion
Pa da i ja zapjevam kome trebam
so that I sing to who I need
kao onaj svirač da se predam
like that singer that I give up
Umri prije smrti govore mi ljudi
Die before death, people tell me
dok još nije prekasno (za to)
when is still not too late (for that)
kad tijelo zadrhti, zamagle se puti
when body trembles, ways become blury
pa sve postane opasno
so everything becomes dangerous
Hajde i ti zapjevaj kome trebaš
c'mon, you too sing to who you need
kao onaj svirač sav mu se predaj
like that singer, give yourself over to him
Umri prije smrti govore mi ljudi
Die before death, people tell me
dok još nije prekasno
when is still not too late
kad tijelo zadrhti, zamagle se puti
when body trembles, ways become blury
pa sve postane opasno
so everything becomes dangerous