Translation of the song Zar je to sve sto Iimam od tebe artist Dino Merlin
Zar je to sve sto Iimam od tebe
Is that all I have left from you
Nema tog grada ni ulice
There is no such a town nor a street
Nema tog neba ni zvjezdice
There is no such sky nor a star
Nema te pjesme ni kafane
There is no such song nor a Café
Ni zore da u miru svane
Nor a dawn to dawn in peace
Nema te rijeke ni planine
There is no such river nor a mountain
Nema tog brda ni doline
There is no such hill nor a valley
Bez tebe kao bez sudbine
Without you I am like a man without destiny
Bez tebe kao bez domovine
Without you I am like a man without homeland
Poznaju me svi klosari
I know all the vagrants
Poznaju me svi konobari
All the waiters know me
Znaju u cije ime
They know on whose behalf
Ja nocas vino pijem
I drink wine tonight
Lijevo desno, gore dole
Left, right, up and down
Opet stare rane bole
Again, old wounds hurt
Lijevo desno, gore dole
Left, right, up and down
Uvijek stare rane bole
Old wounds still hurt
Zar je to sve sto imam ja od tebe
Is that all that I have from you
Zar je to sve sto je ostalo
Is that all that is left
Zar je to sve za ove duge godine
Is that all for this long year
I ako je, premalo je
And if so, there is little