Translation of the song هاتي يديك artist Abeer Nehme


هاتي يديك

English translation

Reach your hands out

هــاتِ يَديـكِ قَــدْ تَعِـبْـتُ فـي غَـيرِ حُضْـنِــكِ مــا اسْتَـرَحْتُ

Reach your hands out, I've grown tired, in the arms of another I couldn't find peace.

الآخــــرون ظـــــالِــمُــون وغَـــيــرَ حُـــبِّـــكِ مـــا وَجَــدْتُ

The others are unjust and other than your love I couldn't find.



سَألْــتُــكِ قُـــبْــلَةً تَمْحُو الصَّقيع .. فَـقَـدْ يَبِسْتُ .. أُمِّــــي

I've asked you for a kiss erases my frost... I've drown dry.. Mother.



أنْتِ الجَـــمالُ وبَعْدَ رَبّي وَجْــــهَكِ العَــــذْبَ، عَــــبَــــدْتُ

You're beauty, and after my lord your smooth face, I've worshipped.

هاتِ يَديكِ قَــــدْ تَعِبْتُ في غَيرِ حُضْنِكِ مــــا اسْتَـــرَحْتُ

Reach your hands out, I've grown tired, in the arms of another I couldn't find peace.

الآخــــرون ظـــــالِمُون وغـــيــرَ حُــــبِّكِ مــــا وَجَـــدْتُ

The others are unjust and other than your love I couldn't find.

أَحِنُّ إلَيكِ صَباحَ مَساء، وأغْفو وَاسْمُكِ هَمْسُ الضِّياء

I miss you, morning and evening, and I fall asleep with your name whispered so clear in my ears

أُحِبُّــكِ لا تَتْرُكيني، فَأنْتِ حِكَايَةُ عُمْري، وَأحْــلَى دَواء

I love you don't leave me, because you're the story of my life, and the sweetest medicine.

فَهــاتي يَديكِ لا فَـــرْقَ عِنْدي بَيْنَ يَدَيكِ وبَينَ الســماء

So reach your hands out there's no difference for me between your hands and the sky



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