Translation of the song هللويا artist Abeer Nehme



English translation

Allilouya (Praise God)

هللويا هللويا هللويا

Praise God

فوقَ الصَّليبْ ماتَ رَبُّ الأكوانْ

The Lord of the universe died on the cross

سِرٌّ رهيبْ

Dreadful mystery

سِرُّ فادي الإنسانْ

The mystery of the redeemer of mankind

حبُّهُ دَمٌ يُهرَقُ

His love is shed blood

قلْبُهُ ماءٌ يَدفُقُ

His heart is flooded water

يا لَلحُبِّ الغَريبْ

What a wondrous love

حُبِّ الفادي العَجيبْ

The love of the wonder redeemer

ها هوذا الختن يأتي في نصف الليل

Behold the Bridegroom cometh in the midst of the night,

فطوبى للعبد الذي يجده مستيقظاً

and blessed is the servant whom He shall find watching;

أمّا الذي يجده متغافلاً فهو غير مستحق

and again unworthy is he whom He shall find heedless.


Praise God

فوقَ الصَّليبْ ماتَ رَبُّ الأكوانْ

The Lord of the universe died on the cross

سِرٌّ رهيب

Dreadful mystery

سِرُّ فادي الإنسانْ

The mystery of the redeemer of mankind

حبُّهُ دَمٌ يُهرَقُ

His love is shed blood

قلْبُهُ ماءٌ يَدفُقُ

His heart is flooded water

يا لَلحُبِّ الغَريبْ

What a wondrous love

حُبِّ الفادي العَجيبْ

The love of the wonder redeemer

يا شعبي وصاحبي

O, my people, my friends

أين عهد الايمان

Where is the convenant of faith?

فاليوم علق على خشبة

Today, He was impaled on a stake

الذى علق الأرض على المياه

He who suspended the earth upon waters

يا للذهول يايسوع الحياة

O, Jesus, you are Life

حيا تجول في أرجاء الاموات

Alive wandering among the dead

وضعت في دار الفناء

You were put in the house of death

اذهلت اجناد السماء

You astonished Heaven's soldiers

مجدت بالترنيم ذاك الحب العظيم

They sang and praised that great love

يا يسوع الحياة

O, Jesus, You are Life

في قبر وضعت

You were put in a tomb

فالجنود السماوية إنذهلت

Heaven's soldiers were astonished

كلها ومجدت تنازلك

All of them praised Your abdication

كيف موتت يارب

How did You die, our Lord

وسكنت القبر

And stayed at a tomb

فبموتك قد ضمحلت الممات

You have beaten Death by Your death

وأفضت لبني الموت الحياة

And have given the gift of life to the dead

نعظمك بإستحقاق يا معطي الحياة

We glorify you, O, life giver

يا من بسط يديه على الصليب

You who spread your arms on the cross

ساحقا قدرة سلطان العدو

Trampling the power of the enemy

قــــــــامَ اللهُ بــــــــــــالمجدِ

God has glouriously risen

والكــــــونُ الــــــــــــدَّاجي أَشرَقْ

And the gloomy universe has shone

ولَّـى دَيـجُـورُ اللَّحْـــــــــدِ بَعْــــــدَ لَيـــــــلٍ قـــــــد أَطبَـق

The darkness of the graves has passed after night had darkened

المسيح قام من بين الاموات

The Christ is risen

ووطئ الموت بالموت

from the dead,

ووهب الحياة للذين في القبور

Trampling over Death by death

Χριστὸς ἀνέστη ἐκ νεκρῶν

The Christ is risen

θανάτῳ θάνατον πατήσας

from the dead,

καὶ τοῖς ἐν τοῖς μνήμασι

Trampling over Death by death

ζωὴν χαρισάμενος.

and having given the gift of life to those in the graves.

ܡܫܝܚܐ ܩܡ ܡܢ ܒܝܬ ܡܝܬܐ (mshiħō qam men bēth mītē)

The Christ is risen from the dead,

ܘܕܫ ܡܘܬܐ ܒܡܘܬܐ ܘܝܗܒ (w dosh mawto bmawto uyahb)

Trampling over Death by death

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