Translation of the song وينك artist Abeer Nehme



English translation

Where are you

وينك.. وينك..

Where are you.. where are you..

شو أخبارك قلي

How are you doing, tell me

بعدك بتحنلي

You still care for me

بعدا التطليعة بعيونك

The look in your eyes is still

بتوشوشني ضلي.. ضلي

Whispering to me, stay.. stay

وينك.. وينك..

Where are you.. where are you..

وينا التطليعة وين صارت

Where is that ‘look’, where is it now

معقولة مع غيري صارت

Is it possible it’s with someone else now

وقولك غيري بنسِّيها

Do you think this someone else will make it forget

أحلامي الـ خبَّيتُن فيها

All my dreams I hid within it

كل ما الماضي صوبي حوَّل

Every time the past comes close to me

بيحكي قلبي ريتو طوَّل

My heart says “I wish it lasted a bit longer“

وآخر مرَّة بدي اسأل

And it’s the last time I’m going to ask

لملم عطر الحب الأول

“Collect the perfume of our first love”

بعدك بتحنلي بعدك

You still care for me.. you do

وينك.. وينك..

Where are you.. where are you..

[كانت حلوة السهرة]

[-The hangout was nice]

[في شي؟ حاستك متدَّايق شوي]

[-Anything is wrong? I feel you’re a bit annoyed]

[لا أبداً، رواق]

[-No not at all, all good]

كل مابرجع طفلة صغيرة

Whenever I go back to being a little girl

هربانة من الأيام

Escaping from these days

بلاقي قلبي قلي طيري

I find my heart telling me to fly

بفرش زندك وبنام

I set your arm and sleep on it

قولك بعد منرجع مرَّة

Do you think we can go back

نتساير بالضحكة

To get along with laughter

يما الضحكة صارت مرَّة

Or the laughter has become bitter

منّا لحالا بتبكي

It cries on its own

منّا لحالا بتبكي

It cries on its own

بتبكي.. بتبكي..

Cries.. cries..

شو أخبارك قلي

How are you doing, tell me

بعدك بتحنلي

You still care for me

وينك.. وينك..

Where are you.. where are you..

شو أخبارك قلي

How are you doing, tell me

بعدك بتحنلي

You still care for me

بعدا التطليعة بعيونك

The look in your eyes is still

بتوشوشني ضلي.. ضلي

Whispering to me, stay.. stay

وينك.. وينك

Where are you.. where are you..

وينا التطليعة وين صارت

Where is that ‘look’, where is it now

معقولة مع غيري صارت

Is it possible it’s with someone else now

وقولك غيري بنسِّيها

Do you think this someone else will make it forget

أحلامي الـ خبَّيتُن فيها

All my dreams I hid within it

كل ما الماضي صوبي حوَّل

Every time the past comes close to me

بيحكي قلبي ريتو طوَّل

My heart says “I wish it lasted a bit longer“

وآخر مرَّة بدي اسأل

And it’s the last time I’m going to ask

لملم عطر الحب الأول

“Collect the perfume of our first love”

بعدك بتحنلي بعدك

You still care for me.. you do

وينك.. وينك

Where are you.. where are you..


Where are you?

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