Translation of the song Luau-sangen [Hula Song] artist The Lion King (OST)
Luau-sangen [Hula Song]
The Luau Song [Hula Song]
Har i sultet nu indtil jeres tarme skreg?
Have you been starving until your guts were screaming?
Så æd Pumba her, han er en dejlig flæskesteg
Then eat Pumba here, he is a lovely pork roast
Ja, værsgo at spis'
Yes, please eat
Det' det fede gris
It's the fat pig
Han er nok det lækreste, der gi's
He's probably the best you can get
Her er skinke
Here is ham!
(Yup, yup, yup)
(Yup, yup, yup)
Til de flinke
To the nice
(Yup, yup, yup)
(Yup, yup, yup)
Der er fedt nok
There's fat enough
(Yup, yup)
(Yup, yup)
I ka' leve fedt nok nu
You can live the fat life now