Translation of the song Angelai artist Jurga
The Angels
Tupi angelai užsimerkę,
Sitting an angels with closed eyes,
Kad nematytų, ką darai.
For unseeing, what do you do.
Jie balti balti, duona jų karti
They are white white, bitter bread are of them
Žino jie daugiau negu reikia.
They know more than was needful.
Medžių paslėpti ir saugūs,
Latended by trees and safe,
Gal pasiryšim būt nuogi...
Maybe we'll resolve to be bare...
Siela pasakys, ką dabar daryt, skauda,
The soul will say, what to do now, it's pain
Be kaukės, be šarvų skauda.
Without mask, without armour it is painful.
Sėdžiu debesy - gal miegu,
I'm sitting in the cloud - maybe sleeping,
Nebežinau, iš kur čia atsiradau.
It beats be, from where here I come.
Angelą stebiu, šypsomės abu,
The Angel I see, both we're smiling,
Kas tu? - Kad aš nė nenutuokiu...
,,What are you? - But I even not savvy...
Jo balti sparnai man tinka
The white wings of him suits me
Jam savo šarvus dovanoju.
For him my armour I'm giving
Kylu vis aukštyn, ašara žemyn - sminga,
Arising I over and over, the tear downwards - is swooping
Saulės spinduliais sninga.
The rays of Sun is snowing.
Ten šoka...
There is dancing...
Danguje ir vandeny
In the sky and in the water
Angelai juodi ir balti...
The Angels - black and white
Jei manęs kada nebebus,
If someday I will not be
Šok su jais, tegu lyja dangus.
Let's dance with them, let it rain, the sky.