Translation of the song Instrukcija artist Jurga



English translation


Gal tu turi instrukciją,

Mayb do you have an instruction,

Kaip man dabar užmigt naktim?

How to sleep for me every night?

Ir kaip nerėkti sapno vidury,

And how to not scream in the middle of the dream,

Kai už durų laukia ateitis šviesi?

When the bright future awaits behind the door?

Atėjus dienai, kaip neabejot,

When the day comes, how to not doubt,

Ar keistis šiandien, ar geriau rytoj?

To change today, or better to do it tomorrow?

Ką mamai pasakyt, kai

What to say to my mom when

Vis dar juokas suima pačioj rimčiausioj vietoj?

The laughter still comes in the most serious part?

Kur rasti vyrui šiuolaikiniam

How to find for nowaday man

Baltą žirgą meilei savo?

A white horse for his love?

Ir kur išmokt juo joti?

And where to learn how to ride it?

Gal į darbą pakeliui?

Maybe to the job on the way?

Nes laiko vis mažiau...

Because there's less and less time left...

Mano namai ne ten,

My home is not there,

Kur pietums duoda melą,

Where lie is given for lunch,

Kur karaliauja tuštuma...

Where emptiness reigns...

Gera tik ten gyvent,

It's good to live only there,

Kur dar noris pabūti

Where I want to stay here

Ir pasikviesti trumpam tave...

And invite you quickly...

Mano namai ne ten,

My home is not there,

Kur pietums duoda melą,

Where lie is given for lunch,

Kur karaliauja tuštuma...

Where emptiness reigns...

Gera tik ten gyvent,

It's good to live only there,

Kur dar noris pabūti

Where I want to stay here

Ir pasikviesti trumpam tave...

And invite you quickly...

Kur eit, kai padaręs gerą darbą,

Where to go, when you've done a good job,

Šypsais sudaužytu vidum

And you're smiling with a broken inside

Neaiškios gatvės vidury?

In the middle of unclear street?

Kam melstis, kai tavų veidų daugiau nei Dievo pavadinimų?

To whom to pray, when you have more faces than the names of the God?

Gal ir nereikia to sakyt,

Maybe it is shouldn't be said,

Bet man vaidenasi naktim,

But I get haunted at the night

Kad visos mūsų bėdos -

That all our troubles -

Tai tik muilo burbulai, su kuriais smagiau,

They're just soap bubbles, with which it's more fun,

Bet kurių gal ir nebuvo...

But maybe there weren't any...

Mano namai ne ten,

My home is not there,

Kur pietums duoda melą,

Where lie is given for lunch,

Kur karaliauja tuštuma...

Where emptiness reigns...

Gera tik ten gyvent,

It's good to live only there,

Kur dar noris pabūti

Where I want to stay here

Ir pasikviesti trumpam tave...

And invite you quickly...

Mano namai ne ten,

My home is not there,

Kur pietums duoda melą,

Where lie is given for lunch,

Kur karaliauja tuštuma...

Where emptiness reigns...

Gera tik ten gyvent,

It's good to live only there,

Kur dar noris pabūti

Where I want to stay here

Ir pasikviesti tave...

And invite you quickly...

Mano namai ne ten,

My home is not there,

Kur pietums duoda melą,

Where lie is given for lunch,

Kur karaliauja tuštuma...

Where emptiness reigns...

Gera tik ten gyvent,

It's good to live only there,

Kur dar noris pabūti

Where I want to stay here

Ir pasikviesti tave...

And invite you quickly...

Mano namai ne ten,

My home is not there,

Kur pietums duoda melą,

Where lie is given for lunch,

Kur karaliauja tuštuma...

Where emptiness reigns...

Gera tik ten gyvent,

It's good to live only there,

Kur dar noris pabūti

Where I want to stay here

Ir pasikviesti tave...

And invite you quickly...

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