Translation of the song Ramybė artist Gabrielė Vilkickytė
Aš pavargau pavargus neužmigt.
I'm tired of not being able to fall asleep while I am tired
žinot kaip jūra tyli be manęs.
Of knowing how silent is the sea without me
Kaip snaudžia muzika, kurią surast turiu,
[Tired of knowing] that music, that I have to find, is napping
Kaip snaudi tu, bet aš to negirdžiu,
[Tired of knowing] that you are napping but I cannot hear it
čia tiksi laikrodis, kurį man palikai,
The clock that you gave to me is ticking here
Jei jis sustotų, žinau, pražiltų man plaukai,
If it stopped, I know that my hair would turn grey
Nebetikėčiau jūros ošimu,
I wouldn't be able to believe in a sough of the sea
Kuris kvepėtų praeities dvelksmu.
That would smell like a whiff of the past
Iš kur gavai tokias gražias rankas?
Where did you get these beautiful hands from?
Kai neužmiegu, mintim iš naujo groju jas.
When I can't sleep, I play with them over again in my mind
Iš kur gavai tokias gražias rankas?
Where did you get these beautiful hands from?
Kai aš neužmiegu, mintim iš naujo groju jas.
When I can't sleep, I play with them over again in my mind
Iš kur gavai tokias gražias rankas?
Where did you get these beautiful hands from?
Kai neužmiegu, mintim iš naujo groju jas.
When I can't sleep, I play with them over again in my mind
Iš kur gavai tokias gražias rankas?
Where did you get these beautiful hands from?
Kai aš neužmiegu, mintim iš naujo groju jas.
When I can't sleep, I play with them over again in my mind