Translation of the song Rugpjūtis artist Gabrielė Vilkickytė



English translation


Ne vasara, o tikras ruduo

Not summer, but the real autumn

Ir ne viena prasme, o visom

And not in one meaning, but in all of them

Maniau, sakysiu tau: Pabūk, pabūk, kol išeini

I thought I would say to you: Stay, stay a bit until you leave

Bet jau turiu kaip atsisveikinti

But I already know how to say goodbye

Nesu idėja paprasta tavoms akims ar rankoms toms pat gražioms

I'm not an easy idea to your eyes or hands that are so beautiful

Aš - sudėtinga sistema, o tavo vasara man netikra

I'm a difficult system and your summer is fake to me

O kad žinotum tu savo vis kitaip kalbančių aktorių gausą

If only you knew the abundance of actors living inside you that speak differently each time

Tikiuosi greitai ją nuprausi

I hope you'll wash it [abudance] away soon

Nes aš jau namus naujus statausi

Because I'm already building a new house

Nesu idėja paprasta tavoms akims ar rankoms toms pat gražioms

I'm not an easy idea to your eyes or hands that are so beautiful

Aš - sudėtinga sistema, o tavo vasara man netikra

I'm a difficult system and your summer is fake to me

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