Translation of the song Dritat artist Yll Limani
[Yll Limani:]
Yll Limani
Ajri o i rrall e un vozis kadal
The air is rare and I drive slowly
Ne qetesin e nates
In the silence of the night
Ma n'fund mbetem vet
In the end I stay lonely
Ktu kerkush sna sheh, ktu kerkush sna njeh
No one sees us here, No one knows us here
Lirisht shtinja flaken,
Just set the flames
nisja cka po pret?
Do it, what are you waiting for?
Un du vec kur nalen dritat
I love only when the lights go out
Un du vec kur nalen dritat
I love only when the lights go out
Thuje sa mdon,
Say how much you love me
thuje noshta deperton e mbrrin te un
Say it, maybe you come through and reach me
Un du vec kur nalen dritat
I love only when the lights go out
Un du vec kur nalen dritat
I love only when the lights go out
Thuje sa m’don,
Say how much you love me
thuje noshta deperton e mbrrin te un
Say it, maybe you come through and reach me
Cili humb me shum?
Who loses more?
Pak ti pak un, pak ti pak un,
A bit you a bit me, a bit you a bit me
pak ti pak un,pak ti pak un...
a bit you a bit me, a bit you a bit me
Shuhi dritat, ndezi ndjenjat
Shut the lights off, light up the feelings
Ftofet truni, nxehen venat
The brain gets cold, the veins heat up
Na kap terri, hupin vlerat
The darkness catches us, our values get lost
Vec na dy jem, zhduken tjeret
It's only us two, everything else disappears
Djerset e tua, djerset e mia
Your sweat, my sweat
Nalen dritat lind dashnia
The lights go out , love is born
Krahet e tu jan duart e mia
Your shoulders are my hands
Ska limit mo u shkel vija
Although there are no limits the line got crossed
Pak ti, pak une, epshet tona bohen bashk
A bit you, a bit me, our desires unite
Pak ti, pak une, trupi dridhet deri nasht
A bit you, a bit me, the body shakes down to the bones
Adrenalina e kap majen,
The adrenalin hits its height,
a pe sheh sa shum po t’du kur dritat nalen?
do you see how much I love you when the lights go out?
Un du vec kur nalen dritat
I love only when the lights go out
Un du vec kur nalen dritat
I love only when the lights go out
Thuje sa mdon,
Say how much you love me
thuje noshta deperton e mbrrin te un
Say it, maybe you come through and reach me
Un du vec kur nalen dritat
I love only when the lights go out
Un du vec kur nalen dritat
I love only when the lights go out
Thuje sa m’don,
Say how much you love me
thuje noshta deperton e mbrrin te un
Say it, maybe you come through and reach me
Cili humb me shum?
Who loses more?
Pak ti pak un, pak ti pak un,
A bit you a bit me, a bit you a bit me
pak ti pak un, pak ti pak un...
a bit you a bit me, a bit you a bit me
[Yll Limani:]
Yll Limani
I don’t get it, you keep coming closer
I don’t get it, you keep coming closer
I don’t get it, I am trying to leave you
I don’t get it, I am trying to leave you
I don’t get it, I don’t get it, uh...
I don’t get it, I don’t get it, uh...
Ti ndjenjat I perzin me pije
You mix your feelings with drinking
Nuk je ktu je mbet vec hije
You aren't here, you remain a shadow
Thuje a mdon, thuje a mdon
Say if you love me, say if you love me
Se un du veç kur nalen dritat
Because I only love when the lights go out
Un du veç kur ndalen...
I only love when [the lights] go out...