Translation of the song I thash asaj artist Yll Limani
I thash asaj
I told her
I thash asaj
I told her (his girlfriend)
Sonte me ma jep
To give me tonight
I thash asaj
I told her
That our time is rruning fast
That our time is running fast
I erdh shum ran ran ran ran
(lit. it came very heavy to her) She felt I was coming on too strong
Tha I'll call 9-1-1
She said I'll call 911
Shum ma rahat kesh
I had much more peace of mind
sa nuk t'pata ty knej
While I didn't have you over here
I erdh shum ran ran ran ran
She felt I was coming on too strong
Tha I'll call 9-1-1
She said I'll call 911
Je tu hup koh
You're wasting time
This isn't going anywhere
This isn't going anywhere
A je ti, ajo
Are you not the girl
qe sa her t'kom pa
who, every time I saw,
Ke kshyr me m'fol
(lit looked) wanted to speak to me
e tash po bohesh
And now, you're acting
kishe nuk po t'njoh
As if we didn't know each other
You've watched a lot of movies
You've watched a lot of movies
Po munohesh mu bo cool ti
You're trying to be cool
Epo nuk o ka t'shkon
But it doesn't suit you well
Jo nuk o ka ta don
No, it isn't like you
Hard to get lojen pe lun
You're playing a 'hard to get' game
Po menon qe mun me m'mujt
And you think you can win the game
Epo nuk o ka t'shkon
But it doesn't suit you well
Jo nuk o ka ta don
No, it isn't like you
I thash asaj
I told her
Me ma jep sonte uha
To give me tonight, uha
I thash asaj
I told her
That our time is running out
That are time is running out
I erdh shum ran ran ran ran
(lit. it came very heavy to her) She felt I was coming on too strong
Tha I'll call 9-1-1
She said I'll call 911
Shum ma rahat kesh
I had much more peace of mind
sa nuk t'pata ty knej
While I didn't have you over here
I erdh shum ran ran ran ran
She felt I was coming on too strong
Tha I'll call 9-1-1
She said I'll call 911
Je tu hup koh
You're wasting time
This isn't going anywhere
This isn't going anywhere
Nese t'kan fol keq per mu
If they spoke ill of me,
Dije qe t'kan rrejt
Know that they lied to you
Mo nuk e kam nijet me tu lut
I don't intend on begging you
Vec a don ti vet
It's only if you want to
And ain't losing no more time
And I ain't losing no more time
With someone like you
With someone like you
Me ma jep ti vec ni nat
If you were to give me just one night
Besom nuk m'kishe ndrru
Believe me, nothing would change
I thash asaj
I told her
Sonte me ma jep
To give me tonight
Jom djal i mir
I'm a good person,
Vec muj mu bo
But I can be
Shum djal i keq
A very bad boy
I erdh shum ran ran ran ran
(lit. it came very heavy to her) She felt I was coming on too strong
Leave me alone t'lutna ma bon
She said Leave me alone, please do it
Shum ma rahat kesh
I had much more peace of mind
sa nuk t'pata ty knej
While I didn't have you over here
M'erdh shum ran ran ran ran
(lit. It came very heavy to me) I felt she was coming on too strong
Thirre kon t'dush
(I said) call whoever you want
Let's get it done
Let's get it done
Se nuk e kom nijet mu largu
Because I don't intend to go anywhere
I'm here to stay
I'm here to stay