Translation of the song S'ki me m'pa artist Yll Limani
S'ki me m'pa
You are not going to see me
Skish ma tfort se zemra e njerit
There is nothing stronger that the human heart
pi durojke nje mije plage
you are enduring one thousand wounds
pi durojke flakt e ferrit
you are enduring the flames of hell
po vazhdojke me rreh prape
and you are still continuing to beat
kur po dojshe pe harrojshe
When you want you can forget
edhe veten edhe krejt
both yourself and all the rest
si ne anderr po jetojshe
like in a dream you are living
e spo dishe ntoke me prek
and you don't know how to touch ground
e ma nfund i qela syte
And finally I opened my eyes
sun jetoj (x2)
I cannot live (2x)
ma per te dyte
anymore for both
Refrain (x2)
Refrain (2x)
Ski me mpa (x2)
You are not going to see me
as ne enderr ski me mpa
not even in dreams you are going to see me
se nuk kthehna edhe jeten me ma marr
because I am not coming back even if you take my life
Skish ma keqmos me ta dit
There is nothing worse that not knowing
e mi lon zemren me ta thy
and let her your heart to break it
skesh rahat une asni dite
I did not rest any day
tu munu me tpsht ty
trying to conquer you
sem the kurre faliminderit
You never told me thanks
sem the kurre prit mos shko
you never told me wait don't go
ski me pa driten pos ferrit
you are not going to see the light after the hell
e ishalla kurre ma ste shoh
and hopefully I will never see you again
e ma nfund i qela syte
And finally I opened my eyes
sun jetoj(x20
I cannot live (2x)
ma per te dyte
anymore for both
Refrain (x4)
Refrain (2x)
Ski me mpa (x2)
You are not going to see me
as ne endrra ski me mpa
not even in dreams you are going to see me
se nuk kthehna edhe jeten me ma marr
because I am not coming back even if you take my life