Translation of the song Matrimonio artist Alejandro y María Laura



English translation


La ley del hielo no se aplica a los matrimonios

The law of ice doesn't apply to marriages

el silencio es involuntario

The silence is involuntary

las palabras ruido blanco

The words white noise

Hemos aprendido a destruirnos con los ojos

We've learned to destroy each other with our eyes

acariciarnos con gruñidos

Caress each other with grunts

acuchillarnos con cariño

Stab each other with affection

de ti me vine a enamorar

I came to fall in love with you

vine a vaciarte el alma

I came to empty your soul

por ti me puse a cocinar

I started to cook for you

a evaporar la rabia

To evaporate the rage

deja caer la copa

Drop the cup,

que se emborrache la alfombra

Let the carpet get drunk

deja caer la copa

Drop the cup,

que se emborrache la alfombra

Let the carpet get drunk

los trapos sucios vuelven de la lavandería

The dirty clothes come back from the laundry

como si nunca los hubiésemos manchado

As if we never stained them

uno de estos días explotará el balón de gas

One of these days, the gas balloon will explode

si no me dices lo que piensas

If you don't tell me what you're thinking.

dime lo que piensas

Tell me what you're thinking

de ti me vine a enamorar

I came to fall in love with you

vine a vaciarte el alma

I came to empty your soul

por ti me puse a cocinar

I started to cook for you

a evaporar la rabia

To evaporate the rage

deja caer la copa

Drop the cup,

que se emborrache la alfombra

Let the carpet get drunk

deja caer la copa

Drop the cup,

que se emborrache la alfombra

Let the carpet get drunk.

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