Translation of the song Nje zambak i bardhe ne gur artist Feim Ibrahimi


Nje zambak i bardhe ne gur

English translation

A white lily on the rock



Larg ne kreshtat e Mirdites

Away on mountaintops of Mirdite1

Ka hedh rrenje nje gur i kuq

A red rock is still and settled

Ktu, thone fjalet e legjendes

Here, say the words of the legend,

U ndez rrepte lufta me turq

A fierce battle was fought with Turks2

Erdhen vite erdhen shekuj

Years came, centuries came

Mbi llogore rriten n’mur

On the trenches wall’s growing

Lulezon e kurre nuk vyshket

Blooming and never fading

Nji zambak i bardhe ne gur

A white lily on the rock

- Refreni 2x

Chorus 2x

O zambak i bukur-o

O handsome lily

Pse po çel petale

Why do you bloom petals?

Do flladit une trimat-o

To freshen up the braves

Qe kane rane ne male.

who fell in the mountains.

O zambaku i gurit-o

O lily of the rock

Pse çel ne bjeshknaje

Why do you bloom in highland?

Kujtoj partizanet o

To remember the partisans

Shqipe mbi keto maje.

Eagles on these peaks.



Lart ne shkrepa midis malesh

Up high on the cliffs of mountains

Gjuri i Kuq rrufete i prêt,

Red rock affronts lightening strikes,

Lart e ngre shqipja flamurin

High up the eagle raises the flag

Dhe bllokades grusht i jep

Punching forcefully the blockade

Kalojne dite e kalojne vite

Days pass and years pass

Por nji gja s’e harrojme kurre

But one thing we don’t forget

Se lulezon edhe nuk vyshket

That it blooms and never fades

Nji zambak i bardhe ne gur.

A white lily on the rock3

- Refreni 2x

Chorus 2x


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