Translation of the song Ti qe ke ne sy lirine artist Feim Ibrahimi
Ti qe ke ne sy lirine
You who freedom have in the eyes
Ti qe ke ne shpirt lirine
You who the freedom host in soul
Plumbat endrren c’te qellojne
Bullets aimed to shoot your dream
Endrrat proletare ndrijne
Proletarian dreams shine
Kontinentet ta shikojne
For the continents to see them.
Ti qe ke ne shpirt lirine
You who freedom host in soul
Nuk ka plumb qe te perkul
There's no bullet to break you
Endrra plot me kenge lufte
Dreams are full of war songs
Kenget jane per ne flamur
And songs to us are a banner.
Prangat flak ti bote mizore
Shake the shackles of cruel world
Eshte e jona bota e re
It is ours the new world
Bien shoket kenget shtohen
The comrades fall, songs thrive
Kenget jane flamur per ne
Songs to us are a banner.
Bij te nje nene jemi, shoke
We're sons of a common mother, comrades
Bij te klases proletare
Sons of the proletarian class.
Nder beteja kenget shtohen
Through the battles songs thrive
Shtohen kenget fitimtare
The victory songs soar.
- Refreni
- Chorus
Eshte e kuqe rruga jone
It is red our path
Rruga jone revolucion
Our path, Revolution
Internacionalja shoke
The International song, comrades
Nder beteja sot na fton.
Towards battles call today.
Ngrihi ju o te munduar
Arise you workers from your slumbers
Ngrihi ju si uragan
Arise you like a hurricane
Shoket derdhen me miliona
The comrades pour in millions
Neper bote kudo qe jane.
Around the world wherever they are.