Translation of the song Une biri yt artist Feim Ibrahimi
Une biri yt
Me, your son
Une biri yt Kosove ti njoh deshirat e heshtuna
Me, your son, Kosove, I know your silent desires
Ererat e tua te fjetura nder shekuj.
Your winds dormant for centuries.
Une biri yt Kosove ti njoh gezimet
Me, your son Kosove, I know your joys
Ti njoh gezimet, vuajtjet, vdekjet
I know your joys, sufferings, deaths
Ti njoh lindjet e bardha
I know the blessed births
Ne krahet e tua
In your arms.
Ti njoh caqet e tua
I know your corners
Me mire se kushdo tjeter
Better than anyone else
Ti njoha ty moj nene.
I know them, my mother.
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Une biri yt Kosove
Me your son Kosove
Ta di gjakun qe te vlon ne gji
I know how your blood boils in the breast
Kur dallge e kengeve
When wave of the songs
Shpalos mbi ty lavdi.
Unleash the glory upon you.
Pa te mesova kengen me te bukur ne mituri
I had learned your most beautiful song in childhood
Qe e dita me kendu per dritat e ballit
I was able to sing it for the best and dearest
Dhe betue jam ne buken e njerezve te mi
And swore to the bread of my people
Ne zjarrin e votres sime, atdhe.
In the blaze of my hearth, fatherland.
Se syrin s’kam me ta lujt.
That I will not wink my eye to you.
As shekujt dot s’ti sheroj.
I can’t heal your centuries either.
Pra rritu me mue
So grow up with me
Rritu ti sa vjec dhe shkruje emrin tim
Grow up to be old and write my name
Ne qiellin tend Kosove.
In your sky Kosove.
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