Translation of the song As Festas que o Sino nos Traz [Ring in the Season] (Brazilian Portuguese) artist Olaf's Frozen Adventure (OST)
As Festas que o Sino nos Traz [Ring in the Season] (Brazilian Portuguese)
The party taht
Eles vem aí
They come there
Sem imaginar
Without imagining
A bela festa que nós vamos dar
The beautiful party we're going to have
A surpresa está linda e vai ser demais
The surprise is beautiful and it will be awesome.
São as festas que o sino nos traz
It's the holidays that the bell brings us.
Tudo especial, como imaginei
Everything special, as I imagined
De roupa nova eu arrasei
I killed in the new clothes.
Espalhando alegrias e muito mais
Spreading joys and much more
Com as festas que o sino nos traz
With the festivities that the bell brings us
Já passou uma eternidade
It's been forever
Sem ter festa de Natal
Without having a Christmas party
Eu sempre quis uma festa tradicional
I always wanted a traditional party
Esse sonho virou real
This dream has come true
Cada um aqui
Everyone here
(Cada um aqui)
(Everyone here)
Veio celebrar
Came to celebrate
(Veio celebrar)
(Came to celebrate)
A esperança mora em cada olhar
Hope lies in every glance
Falta pouco pra hora de começar
There is little time to start
E o sino vai logo tocar
And the bell will ring soon
E o sino vai soar no céu
And the bell will ring in the sky.
Trazendo amor pra Arendell
Bringing love to Arendell
Que as festas nos tragam saúde e paz
May the holidays bring us health and peace.
E as mágoas, as dúvidas fiquem pra trás
And the sorrows, the doubts are behind us
Só resta celebrar a alegria que o sino nos traz
All that remains Is to celebrate the joy that the bell brings us