Translation of the song Juleklokken skal ringe [Ring in the Season] artist Olaf's Frozen Adventure (OST)


Juleklokken skal ringe [Ring in the Season]

English translation

The Christmas bell will ring



Ikke en eneste ved, de ska' være vor gæst

Not one person knows that they'll be our guest

De aner ikke, her ska' være fest

They have no idea that there'll be a party here

Vi vil fejre med alle, vi holder af

We will celebrate with everyone we care about

At julekokken ska' ringe i dag

That the Christmas bell is going to ring today



Det' på høje tid, det' ska' nok bli' godt

It's overdue, it'll surely be good



Tænk, lille mig ku' bli' så flot

To imagine that little me could look this good



Vi ska' skålle og skrålle og danse her

We'll toast and yell and dance here

Juleklokken ska' ringe for jer

The Christmas bell will ring for you



Første jul her i evigheder

The first Christmas here in eons



Før var den gemt bag lås og slå

It used to be stowed away behind locked doors



Åh, jeg' så spændt på hvordan, det hele vil gå

Oh, I'm so excited about how it'll all go

[Anna & Elsa]:

[Anna & Elsa]:

Det var klart værd at vente på

It was definitely worth waiting for

Sådan en dejlig dag, vi bli'r fler' og fler'

What a lovely day, we're becoming more and more



Skøn julestemning, der har bredt sig her

A wonderful Christmas mood which has spread here

[Anna & Elsa]:

[Anna & Elsa]:

I ka' tro, vi har knoklet, nu' alt parat

You can believe that we've worked hard, now everything's ready

Ja, for julen begynder jo snart

Yes, for Christmas will soon begin



Klar til julesang, vores klokkes klang

Ready for Christmas singing, the sound of our bell

Får hele Arendal igang

Will get all of Arendelle started



Det sender et budskab til land og til by

It'll send a message to land and to town



Den lyd fjerne barndommens mørkeste sky

That sound will remove the darkest cloud of your childhood



Og nu ska' vi ha' fest, juleklokken ska' ringe på ny

And now we'll party, the Christmas bell will ring anew

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