Translation of the song Kad mi smo skupa [When We're Together] artist Olaf's Frozen Adventure (OST)
Kad mi smo skupa [When We're Together]
When we're together
Uvijek lijepo dobit je dar
It's always nice to receive a gift
Kad vrpca slatka krasi ga
When it's tied up with a cute bow
Ipak jedan najljepši je
But yet, one is the most beautiful
I ukras njemu ne treba
And it doesn't need any decoration
To nešto je što čuva se
It's something that must be protected
To obitelj naša je
It's our family
Jer kad mi smo skupa
Because when we're together
Želje ispunjene su sve
All our wishes have already came true
I kad mi smo skupa, sve na mjestu je
And when we're together, everything is on its place
Ispod drvica Božićnog krasni su darovi
There's a bunch of beautiful presents under the Christmas tree
Al kad mi smo skupa, ipak najdraži si ti
But when we're together, you're the favourite one
Proći sve ću uzduž i poprijeko
I'll cross every road
Zvijezdu svaku pratiti
And I will follow every star
Ništa nije daleko, ako sa mnom bit ćeš ti!
Nothing is hard to achieve if you're going to be there with me!
Jer kad mi smo skupa! (Mi kad smo skupa)
Because when we're together! (When we're together)
To za mene znači dom!
I'm feeling like I'm at home!
Jer kad mi smo skupa! (Mi kad smo skupa)
And when we're together! (When we're together)
Tad je sve po mom! (Sve po mom!)
Then everything is just how I want it to be! (Everything is just how I want it to be!)
Brige mene ne muče kad sa mnom si ti!
I have no worries when you're there with me!
Jer kad mi smo skupa
Because when we're together
Ispunjeni svi su sni!
All our dreams have already came true!
Jer kad mi smo skupa! (Mi kad smo skupa)
Because when we're together! (When we're together)
To za mene je blagdan pravi!
That's my ideal holiday!
I kad mi smo skupa, sjajan to je dan!
And when we're together, it's a perfect day!
Zvono ne trebam ja čut (Ne trebam ih ja)
I don't need to hear a bell (I don't need them)
Da znam koji je dan
To know which day is today
Jer kad mi smo skupa
Because when we're together
Zauvijek ću ostat
I will stay forever
I kad mi smo skupa
And when we're together
Ispunjen je tad moj san
My dream came true