Translation of the song Kita Mulai Musimnya [Ring in the Season] artist Olaf's Frozen Adventure (OST)
Kita Mulai Musimnya [Ring in the Season]
Ring in the Season Indonesian
Lihat semua mereka tak sadar
Look at them, they do not realize it
Ada pesta kejutan yang besar
There is going to be a big surprise party
Sorak-sorai bergema di ruang dansa saat bel permulaan musim
Cheers will echo in the dancing hall during the (ringing of) season beginning bell
Harus bisa buat yang terbaik
I should do the best
Tampilanku bagus sekali
My appearance is really nice
Jadi tuan rumah sepanjang malam
We will be the host for the whole night
Memulai musim ini denganmu
Starting the season with you
Ini hari Natal yang pertama sejak gerbang terbuka
This is the first Christmas since the opening of the gates
Dan ini hari Natal pertama kuingat
And this is the first Christmas that I remember
Dan memang layak ditunggu
And it is worth to wait
Saat bahagia di mana-mana
Happy moment is everywhere
Semangat natal terasa di udara
The spirit of Christmas can be felt in the air
Pesta dimulai saat siang hari
The party starts during the day
Kita mulai musimnya segera
We start the season soon
Hampir waktunya
The time is near
Bunyikan bel yang berdentang di Arendelle
Ringing the chiming bell in Arendelle
Akhirnya datang, begitu cepatnya
It has finally arrived, it is so fast
Menebus semuanya dari masa lalu
Redeeming everything from the past
Saatnya rayakan, kita mulai musimnya akhirnya!
This is the time to celebrate it, we start this season finally!