Translation of the song La balada de Flemmingrad (Latin Spanish) [The Ballad of Flemmingrad] artist Olaf's Frozen Adventure (OST)
La balada de Flemmingrad (Latin Spanish) [The Ballad of Flemmingrad]
The Ballad of Flemmingrad (short)
Siempre diciembre nos reunirá
December will always gather us around
Un ritual de respeto
In a ritual of respect
A un troll singular
To honor a unique troll
Es amistad recordarán
In friendship you shall remember
Al alma honorable de Flemmingrad
Flemmingrad's noble soul
Si hondo has buscado
If you have dug deep
Pasado hallarás
You will find the past
Con pasto llenemos su fosa nasal
Let's fill his nostrils with grass
Su alma brilla igual que el sol...
His soul shines just like the sun
A Flemmin hongo troll...
Here's to Flemmi, the fungus troll...