Translation of the song La balada de Flemmingrad (Versión del álbum) (Latin Spanish) [The Ballad of Flemmingrad (Traditional Version)] artist Olaf's Frozen Adventure (OST)


La balada de Flemmingrad (Versión del álbum) (Latin Spanish) [The Ballad of Flemmingrad (Traditional Version)]

English translation

The Ballad of Flemmingrad [(Traditional Version, Album Version)]

Sabrán que hace tiempo se vio por aquí

Once, a long time ago, around these parts roamed

A un troll adorable, un gran figurín

An adorable troll, a great model troll

Cantemos hoy a Flemmingrad,

Let's sing today in honor of Flemmingrad

Amado por todos,

Beloved by all,

Un ser especial

A special being

Le daban pasteles de mora azul

They fed him blackberry cakes

Por eso crecía como un abedul

And so he grew tall like a birch tre

Y al ser tan grande Flemmingrad

And as in stature Flemmingrad was so great

Sintió que encontraba la felicidad

He felt that he'd found happiness

Amaban ver rodar al troll, troll

Everyone loved to see the troll, troll, roll

Rodar feliz logró el troll

The troll was successful in rolling happily

Y un día de invierno queriendo rodar

On a winter day seeking to roll

Los trolls vieron que no podían pasar

The trolls saw that they couldn't get through

Y así el amado Flemmingrad

And thus the beloved Flemmingrad

En un loco intento se vino a atorar

In a daredevil attempt got stuck along the way

La gente asustada al troll observó

The people were scared as they observed the troll

Mas Flemmi valiente su fin encontró

But Flemmi met his end courageously

Cantemos hoy a Flemmingrad

Let's sing today in honor of Flemmingrad

Él nunca volvió y todos tristes están

He never came back, and everyone is sad

«Atorado, pero no olvidado»

Stuck, but never forgotten

Por Flemmi el gran troll que rodó

To Flemmi, the great troll who rolled

Por Flemmi el gran troll

To Flemmi, the great troll

«Y por eso celebramos esta tradición»

And that's why we celebrate this tradition

Siempre en diciembre nos reunirá

Always in December this ritual of respect

Un ritual de respeto a un troll singular

For a remarkable troll will reunite us

Esa amistad trascenderá

The friendship will transcend

al alma honorable de Flemmingrad

The honorable soul of Flemmingrad

Si hondo has buscado, pasado hallarás

If you have searched deeply, you'll find the past

Con pasto adornemos su fosa nasal

Let's adorn his nostrils with grass

En memoria al viejo amigo está

It stands in memory of that good old friend

Un gran ejemplo Flemmingrad

Flemmingrad, such a great example

Su alma alumbra como el sol

His soul shines like the sun

A Flemmi, el «Hongo-Troll»

To Flemmi, the Fungus Troll!

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