Translation of the song La balada de Flemmingrad [The Ballad of Flemmingrad] (Castilian Spanish) artist Olaf's Frozen Adventure (OST)
La balada de Flemmingrad [The Ballad of Flemmingrad] (Castilian Spanish)
The Ballad of Flammingrad
Cada diciembre hay una reunión
each December there's a gathering
para presentarle respetos a un trol
to pay respects to a troll
El recuerdo de una amistad
The memory of a friendship
a quien todos llamamos Flemmingrad
Whom we all call Flemmingrad
Sus antepasados quisimos hallar
His ancestors we wanted to find
sus fosas nasales hubo que afeitar
His nostrils had to be shaved
Que en los cielos su alma esté
May in heavens rest his soul
Oh, Flemmingrad, trol
Oh, Flemmingrad, trol