Translation of the song Ring in the Season Croatian artist Olaf's Frozen Adventure (OST)


Ring in the Season Croatian

English translation

Ring in the Season Croatian

Daj ih pogledaj, oni ne slute

Look at them, they aren't even suspecting

Da bit će gosti naše zabave

That they're going to be guests of our party

Cijeli dvorac odzvanjat će zdravicom

The sound of toasting will echo through a whole castle

Kad za blagdan zazvoni zvono

When the bell rings on a holiday

Ovo važno je, treba blistat sve

This is important, everything must be perfect

Ma, baš je lijepo skockat se!

It's great to be nicely dressed!

Ove noći sve mora bit svečano

Everything must be festive this night

Kad za blagdan zazvoni zvono

When the bell rings on a holiday

Prvi to Božić je odavno

It's the first Christmas in a long time

Da je dvorac otvoren

That the castle is opened

I svaki put ostao zaboravljen je

It used to be completely forgotten each time

Ovaj biti će savršen!

But this one is going to be perfect!

Gledaj sreću tu!

Look at the happiness!

Sreću tu!

The happiness!

Ona svuda je!

It's everywhere!

Svuda je!

It's everywhere!

Već sve na Božić sada miriše!

We can already feel Christmas in the air!

A u podne sve krenut će proslavom

At the noon, everything will start with a celebration

Kad za blagdan zazvoni zvono

When the bell rings on a holiday

I da damo znak, sad vrijeme je!

And it's time for us to give a sign!

To čut će cijeli Arendel!

It will be heard through Arendelle!

I napokon stigao taj nam je dan!

And that day finally came!

Nadoknadit sve ćemo

We will make up for everything

Bit će ko san

It will be like in a dream

Nek slavlje započne

Let the celebration begin

Jer zazvonit će zvono baš sad!

Because the bell will ring right now!

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