Translation of the song Ring in the Season Malay artist Olaf's Frozen Adventure (OST)


Ring in the Season Malay

English translation

Ring in the Season Malay

Kami merancang satu kejutan untuk semuanya bergembira

We have planned a surprise so that everyone can enjoy it

Akan bergema sorakan nan ria kalau perayaan bermula

There will be echoes of happy cheers if the festival starts

Daku teruja, harus bersedia

I am excited, I should be prepared

Berbusana dan bergaya

Wearing complete and proper attire, and looking stylish

Kami jamu dan melayan semua

We treat and entertain everybody

Tak akan ada saat bermuram

There will never be gloomy moment

Inilah Krismas yang ditunggu sejak pintu dibuka

This is the Christmas that we have been waiting for since the doors are open

Inilah Krismas yang pertama kami tunggu semenjak dahulu

This is the first Christmas that we have been waiting for since before

Saat ceria di sini, sana

The happy moment is here and there

Semangat Krismas kian terasa

The spirit of Christmas can be felt more

Perayaan gemilang menantimu

A glorious festival is waiting for you

Nikmatilah semua, kini

Everyone, enjoy this now

Tiba masanya gemerincing memecah sunyi Arendelle

This is the moment when the chimes break the silence of Arendelle

Detik ditunggu akhirnya menjelma

The awaited moment has finally emerged

Nantikan waktu

Wait for the time

Dan semuanya harap dengarkan gemanya dan perayaan bermula jua!

And everyone here, please listen to its echoes and the festival starts anyway!

Mari mula meraikannya

Let us celebrate this

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