Translation of the song That Time of Year Croatian artist Olaf's Frozen Adventure (OST)
That Time of Year Croatian
That Time of Year Croatian
Čestit, sretan, prepun zdravlja, život nek je raj
I'm wishing you happy, healthy and a beautiful life
A što obitelj vaša radi na blagdan taj?
And what is your family doing on this holiday?
Ljubav, mir na svijetu ovom, toplog sunca sjaj
Love, peace on this world, a warm sunshine
Imate li običaje na blagdan taj?
Do you have any traditions on this holiday?
Pa mi vješamo imelu baš na svaka naša vrata
Well, we're hanging mistletoes on all our doors
Mijesimo mi kekse ko da Norveške su karta
We're making cookies like they're a map of Norway
Pjesmom razveseljavamo svaku sestru, brata
We're singing to make our brothers and sisters happy
Objesite čarape gdje gori jaka vatra
You're hanging socks where a strong fire burns
Uopće ne zvuči opasno!
It doesn't sound dangerous at all!
I želi svima ljubav, sreću čak i sobić, znaj
And even the reindeer wishes you love and happiness
Hvala što objasnili ste nam blagdan taj!
Thanks for showing us what the holiday is!
Treba se požuriti ako mislimo obići svaku kuću u kraljevstvu!
We should hurry up if we're planning to visit every house in the kingdom!
Neka svima život krasi divan osjećaj
I want for everyone to be happy forever
Sad recite što radit ćete na blagdan taj
Tell me what you'll be doing on this holiday
Hej, pa bok! Sretan praznik!
Hey, hello! Happy holiday!
Kruna? Samo daj!
Crown? Give it to me!
Zanimaju me običaji za blagdan taj!
I'm interested in your traditions on this holiday!
Pa, ukrasi su naši nekad bili morski otpad
Well, our decorations used to be sea trash
Pečemo kolače koje nećeš prestat klopat
We're backing cakes that you won't stop eating
Baš je probavljivo!
It's very digestible!
Darove ja najdražima jako volim skrivat
I love to hide the presents from my lovely ones
Čekate debeljka da se spusti niz vaš dimnjak?
You're waiting for a fat guy to come out of your chimney?
Provala u tuđu kuću za Božić? Može!
Breaking into other people's houses for Christmas? Sure!
O, zdravi bili, vašoj sreći nek ne dođe kraj
Oh, I want you to be healthy and happy forever!
I hvala što približili ste nam blagdan taj!
And thanks for showing us what the holiday is!
Thank you!
Mi smo šal i veste svoje ispleli odavno
We've made our scarfs and sweaters long time ago
Mačkicu sam svaku ja počastila pidžamom
I surprised all my cats with pajamas
Osam noći zaredom mi zapalimo svijeće
For eight nights in a row we burn up the candles
A vi posiječete drvce i onda njegovo truplo ukrasite svijećama...
And you cut the tree and then decorate its corpse with candles...
Baš fora!
So cool!
Ani i Elzi ja sad donosim sve
I'm bringing everything now to Annaand Elsa
Sven će im dovuć pune saonice
Sven will bring to them a full sleigh
To će biti najljepši dan
It will be the most beautiful day ever
Ti naš si spas!
You're our salvation!
Ja sam spas!
I am their salvation!
Spas! Spas! Ti si...
Salvation! Salvation! You're...
O, čestit, sretan i berićetan, divan, krasan, sladak, glasan!
Oh, happy, wonderful, beautiful, sweet and loud holiday!
Doći će debeljko taj
That fat guy will come
I sobić Sven je meden, znaj
And the reindeer Sven is cute, you know
I slobodno mi pusu daj
And feel free to give me a kiss
I... da tu stavim kolač taj?
And... should I put that cake here?
Uz blagdanski sjaj!
Along with a holiday's shine!