Translation of the song The Ballad of Flemmingrad (Cantonese) artist Olaf's Frozen Adventure (OST)

Chinese (Cantonese)

The Ballad of Flemmingrad (Cantonese)

English translation

The Ballad of Flemmingrad Cantonese

唱出心裡歌 願你都稱讚

(I) sing (my) thoughts out, hope you can acclaim (it)

在旋律內回味 是那些聖誕

Retrospect in the tunes those Christmases

良朋聚又散 轉眼重返

Good friends come and go, (but they) return soon


Jubliations in (my) memories are like the snowy mountains


To draw my memories out is like drawing brilliancy


Drilling through holes, (I) can see charcoal

捐窿 ?

Drilling holes?


And (the memories) will reappear in the blink of an eye

好…核突呀 !

(It's)... ugly!


(My) good stone friends are deep in the mountains

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