Translation of the song 同行同伴跟你 [When We're Together] artist Olaf's Frozen Adventure (OST)

Chinese (Cantonese)

同行同伴跟你 [When We're Together]

English translation

When We're Together Cantonese

動人是 將心意密密 這小巧的禮物送人

It's touching, giving this little gift with heart

但其實 這福氣幸運 似心花早種在我身

But actually, this luck and fortune is planted in my heart, like a flower, long ago

埋藏於心中天與地 歲月長不捨不棄

Hidden inside my world, not given up over all those years

同行同伴跟你 賺到多精彩更新奇

Together with you, (we) gained more brilliance and novelty

同行同伴跟你 無言也是喜

Together with you, it's happy even without words

幾多的往日美夢 能成就、會實踐

Lots of dreams in the olden days will be achieved and fulfilled

誰能同樣媲美 試問還有誰及你

Who, who can rival you?

我願尋遍千千里 亦不會再理會距離

I'm willing to find through thousands of miles, ignoring the distance

流水天際只因你 心裡面敢跨遠地

The water and the sky are only for you, I dare from my heart to traverse faraway lands

同行同伴跟你 [一起多麼美]

Together with you [(We're) beautiful together]


(We) won't separate, even for half a second

同行同伴跟你 [都一起跟你]

Together with you [(Everyone) follows you together]

靈魂彷濺起 [你已在]

(My) spirit is stimulated [You're already here]

不管身處在哪地 如若我自己

No matter where I am, (I) will be myself

同行同伴跟你 信念憑你來喚起

Together with you, faith is aroused

同行同步跟你 [一伙都跟你]

Together with you [Everyone follows you]


(We) make each season more novel

同行同步跟你 [一伙都跟你]

Together with you [Everyone follows you]

能同慶共喜 [一起過聖誕]

(We) can celebrate happily together [Have Christmas together]

鐘聲倘變做悄靜 [鐘聲倘悄靜]

If the bells are silenced [If the bells are silent]

人亦會認清 [我心間有聲]

People will see clearly [There's a voice in my heart]

同行同步跟你 我亦留戀不停

Together with you, I linger non-stop

同行同處跟你 伴你迎接真善美

Here with you, we meet truth, kindness and beauty

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